Welcome to the Morning Peace Meditation (41:50). In this meditation, we called upon your team of Akashic Masters & Guides, connected to the rays of the Central Sun, and balanced the main energy centers in our physical body. We also connected to the crystalline white light of Mother Earth, infusing it into our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, and all other layers of our auric fields. We called upon Archangel Michael to cut away all unnecessary cords, and the violet flame to burn away all remnants of these cords and to transmute all negative & discordant energies. Next, we called upon the Angels of Peace & Serenity, to fill our entire body with deep peace, calmness & tranquility. Lastly, we called back our personal power, energy & soul parts, and swept our auric fields, enabling us to start our day feeling more whole, complete, connected and grounded.
This meditation is useful to start the day right, feel calm & peaceful, and to enable things to unfold with more ease & grace throughout the day.
Credits to music used:Â Inner Place (432 Hz) by Sefy Tofan