
Demystifying the Akashic Records

In this series, we will demystify the Akashic Records, by bringing to you bite-sized contents on frequently asked questions relating to the Akashic Records. We will also explore topics relating to spirituality, as well as practical application, learnings & reflections in the Akashic Records. My Akashic Masters are very excited to join us in this journey. We send much Love, Light & Blessings to All! 🧡

In this episode, I shared my story of being diagnosed with autoimmune diseases since 2005 and my doctor’s prescription of warfarin (a type of rat poison) to me, which I took daily from Aug 2010 to Oct 2022, with various side-effects. I also shared on how accessing my Akashic Records allowed me to fully heal my autoimmune diseases and to successfully cut off warfarin since Nov 2022.

Lastly, I shared more details of my monthly meditation circles, with my next meditation event on “Quantum Healing of Physical Body with Blue Buddha & Earth Dragons”. You may also purchase a replay on my website here after the event.

Read the transcript here.
In this session, Olivia* (not her real name) asked:

(1) What’s causing the panic attack?
(2) Why do I have such a fear of my father?
(3) How about my relationship with Orlando*?
(4) Any final messages that the Masters have for me?

Read the transcript here.
In this session, David* (not his real name) asked:

(1) My first question is more related to career or professional life. I am at the crossroads. I’ve been living in this country for many years. And I’ve always wanted to start something more entrepreneurial – online business over here. I also have this option to choose a career or job in another region, where I lived earlier. At this point in time, I’m not able to choose whether to: i) continue in the same job in this country, or ii) take a year off to do some kind of business, or iii) go back to the other region for a job. I’m toying around certain things, but there is no definite direction. And it would be really good to know if it’s a business, then who should I partner with or can I go solo? Who should I trust?
(2) My second question is around my relationships with my family. My marriage was an inter caste marriage and that has kind of severed my relation with my parents and siblings. To much extent, it has affected me. I hope that will get better at some point of time. But since it was an inter caste marriage, it wasn’t accepted well, or it hasn’t been accepted. So, every time I have to get into a web of lies or put on a mask in order to show that everything is fine. And that false image of me trying to fix this thing with my family has impacted me a lot on a personal level. I am not happy in general with this kind of an arrangement with my family. I would love to hope that this gets better. How long is this going to be? Will I be able to achieve some kind of normalcy at some point in time?
(3) In general, I would like to ask if there is anything I should know, or anything that the Records or the Masters would like to tell me?

Read the transcript here.
In this session, Maya* (not her real name) asked:

(1) I would like to know more about my career path, because it’s very unclear to me. I currently work in marketing, and I’m doing well in it. But I don’t really feel fulfilled, as if there’s something else that I need to dedicate to.
(2) My other question has to do with my love life. I wouldn’t say it’s messy, it was quite a journey always. I would like to have insights. I know that my life path is my own and will never be combined with somebody else. But I would like to have a life partner as well. But because I’m so free, as soon as I get in some kind of connection, I get restricted and I can feel very suffocated.
(3) I used to have a big connection. He was definitely a Soulmate and I knew him from other lives. The moment I saw him, it was instant recognition. And he brought a big lesson to me. I would like to know if it’s like done for this lifetime, or if there’s still a deeper lesson there.
(4) Any final messages that the Masters have for me?

Read the transcript here.
In this session, Aila* (not her real name) asked:

(1) What is the lesson that I need to learn from my relationship with my parents? They are pretty distant and not particularly warm. My mother is an extremely negative person, which makes it very difficult to want to be closer to her.
(2) For my dad, he’s distant, he’s not so negative, but he doesn’t communicate much. And I always felt like he valued his money more than me.
(3) I generally have a difficulty being punctual. I know a lot of it is because I’m in a rush, and I choose to have a rushed life. My Guides already told me to slow down. Is there some other message?
(4) Any final messages?

Read the transcript here.
In this session, Aila* (not her real name) asked:

(1) I’ve pain on three points in my body, all on the right side. The right scapular tends to come on when I’m tired or stressed. More recently, my right elbow would hurt again, stress and fatigue, I think. And most recently, my right wrist hurts. The right scapular issue has been there for the past 10 years. So, I don’t know if there’s a story or history behind it all?
(2) I’ve been short sighted at a very young age and developed long-sightedness for more than 30 years. Is it due to the same reason of the disharmony of the feminine side?
(3) Are the Guides able to sort of look into the future? For example, my team is short of one person and I’m talking to my boss on Monday about it. I don’t know how much of a fight that will have to be. Are they able to tell me whether it will be an easy conversation, or it will be a lot of effort for me?
(4) I generally sleep very well, and I have nightmares, which doesn’t happen that often. It’s always of people physically chasing me. I’m running and people are running after me. Is it due to stress or what’s the message from my Guides?
(5) Are my Guides able to verify whether it’s a great idea that I left my last job?
(6) Any messages in general they have for this session?

Read the transcript here.
In this session, Andrea* (not her real name) asked:

(1) I just really like to know, moving forward in my life, a general guide of my life purpose?
(2) You mentioned that the power or magic is in my hands. I kind of resonate with that. It’s just that I don’t know how to get to the point of believing that I deserve it. I don’t think I believe I’m capable, or I don’t know what they see in me. This has always been my fault. So, I’m still on that healing journey in a sense of being proud of myself. For me, I can believe in other people, I can give them hope and all that whenever they need. But when it comes to me, I have a problem seeing myself as that. How do I get out of that? Not from a psychological point, but more from a heart space.
(3) I resonated with what you mentioned since young, that there is something more about my life or about me. And then things happened that I’m very grateful for, even the darker side and life lessons, because it kind of placed me in this mindset where sometimes difficult situations in life, everyone has gone through a lot or a fair bit. Sometimes, it takes a person who can handle very difficult situations in life, to go through whatever we all had to go through. So, I’m just understanding, why me, and how to quantify that?
(4) This is just my own personal truth. It doesn’t necessarily apply to everybody, but it’s something that I maybe feel, or what I went through, or just what I discovered about myself or maybe life in general. So, I’m just trying to understand if I’m even right to think this way. I’ve always believed that life is a paradox. I don’t necessarily believe that bad is bad. And good may not always be good. So, I believe that there is always such a thing as cause and effect, whether it’s a good cause or bad cause, but a bad cause may not necessarily have forever bad effects. Sometimes, you have to be a bad person, in order to be a good person in such a way. So, I don’t know if this concept that I’ve learned is right or wrong?
(5) I just want to know more about my love life in the near future. Not asking really about far away, but maybe more of like a sense of hope. I’m not ashamed to admit that I would like to have someone eventually, but I don’t want to get into something that is like the wrong person. So, I just want some clarity on that department of my life.
(6) Any final messages for me?

Read the transcript here.
In Part 2 of this session, Carrie* (not her real name) asked:

(4) From very young, I always tell people that I don’t have much time on Earth to do whatever I want to do in this life, as I always had this feeling for the past 20 to 30 years, that this could be my last lifetime on Earth. This is just a very interesting thought that I always had, but I never shared with anybody. So, I’m just really curious to hear what the other side has to say?
(5) Maybe just a general overview on my love life. Is there anything that the Akashic Records have to say or share?
(6) What about me and my mom’s relationship, which always has been ups & downs?
(7) What is one repetitive characteristic or pattern that I need to work on in this lifetime?
(8) I used to have this hamster that is very bonded with me. She follows me around the room like a dog. She sits on my shoulder while I work. She’s the only one who will do that out of all my hamsters. The rest are just ghosting me all the time. She has passed last year. What is my past life or Soul connection with her? Or what do I have with her so much, that we are so connected in so many ways?

Read the transcript here.
In Part 1 of this session, Carrie* (not her real name) asked:

(1) I think I’m at career crossroads. I’ve just been through a recent crisis of meeting trashy employers who don’t pay, very bad culture. It wasn’t by choice. I just want to have clarity on my career path. Why is my career path so bumpy? And will I find a suitable role for me? Or will it come soon? Or what’s the future for my career?
(2)  Through a friend, I applied to be a lecturer at an Institution. I really resonate with that because I can imagine myself doing it. I enjoy teaching and sharing my knowledge. So, I want to know if that’s possible? Is it my life purpose or career purpose that I can fulfil? Is that really something that I can look forward to?
(3) I really love, and want, to be in management, where I previously came from. My aim is to earn a lot of money, because I love animals a lot, all my money is used to save the animals. I feel that my life purpose is to really do something for the animals. My dream is to start an animal sanctuary, to put animals in a safe place. I’m just very curious, like what’s in my past life or whatever, that I just love them so much? If only I could earn a lot of money, so that I can fulfil my dream later part in my life. So, that’s why I’m very frustrated. I want to have a role that I can make a difference to the world. Being an executive or middle manager is not going to make a difference to the world, to the animals’ life, and to anything. I just really want to know what the Akashic Records have to say about this big dream of mine?

Read the transcript here.
In this session, Sophie* (not her real name) asked:
(1) I thought I’ve completed all my work assigned to me and I am dedicated to my work. But I won’t get any appreciation or recognition from other people. Some people are getting more appreciation even though their work is not up to standard. Why does it happen like this? Do I have to change my view or not be bothered about this?
(2) Usually, I want to approach everything positively. But nowadays, negative thoughts roam around me. How to overcome this? Sometimes, it makes me suffer a lot. Because of my health issues, I am very much suffering.
(3) After surgery a few years back, my health is not so good. Nowadays, it’s getting worse after COVID and I’ve another surgery coming up. I’m really fed up with all these. I also can’t practice yoga, pranayama, bhastrika and breathing exercises that I used to do, as I am unable to sit for a long time due to my liver problem. What should I do?
(4) In my day-to-day life, my promotions, my husband’s profession and my son’s studies, all improvements are very slow. Because we have been waiting for a very long time, I think there is some hindrance. How do we overcome that?
(5) Any final messages for Sophie?

Read the transcript here.
Welcome to Episode 84 on Demystifying the Akashic Records. In this episode, I reminisced about my life to-date and how far I have walked, specifically on my relationship with happiness. I reflected on how happiness felt like to me in my early years, my mode of operating in life, and my desire for greater authenticity. I also reflected on my spiritual awakening, which allowed me to discover the Akashic Records and the Akashic Masters, thereby finally transforming my life and nourishing me with happiness.  This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Jan 2024. Enjoy! 🧡
This meditation was recorded live during my final free monthly event on 30 Dec 2023. In this meditation, we connected with the tree of life above and beneath us, as we called in Saint Germaine, Lord Buddha, Egyptian Goddess Hathor, Angels of Love, Angels of Peace and the Dragons to prepare our energy bodies to welcome in 2024. Lord Buddha connected each participant to Divine Peace. Egyptian Goddess Hathor allowed us to experience and embody Divine Love. As a grand finale to 2023, the Dragons joined us to infuse us with Divine Courage – a stronger Love to embark on 2024!

This meditation is useful to allow us to receive and integrate the energies of Divine Peace, Divine Love and Divine Courage. It prepares our energy bodies to receive the higher energies that await us in 2024.

For the channelled sharing on how to effectively integrate these higher & purer energies within us, listen to my YouTube recording here.
This meditation was recorded live during my free monthly event on 28 October 2023. In this meditation, we connected with Archangel Metatron’s healing frequencies, which were sent to various parts of our physical body and auric fields, facilitating a purging of dense & discordant energies & emotions, toxins, and the like. This meditation is useful if you need healing to the physical body and to restore vitality to your being.
For the channelled sharing of what and how it means to live in inner & outer alignment, listen to my Youtube recording here.
Welcome to Episode 81 on Demystifying the Akashic Records. In this episode, I share my story related to my adoption of a Korean Jindo mix rescue dog (Woobin), including my childhood memory of being chased by a stray dog, my meditation retreat to Bhutan, attempts to adopt a dog at local dog shelters, how I met Woobin, and my journey with him thus far. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Oct 2023. Enjoy! 😊

Follow me on Instagram @asha_akashicrecords for timely updates of my free monthly meditations in the Akashic Records.
This meditation was recorded live during my free monthly event on 23 September 2023. In this meditation, we connected with Lady Guanyin and Mother Mary, to infuse the white light of peace, compassion and stillness into our physical body, slowing it down and releasing all tension and density within. Next, we connected with the Golden Dragons and the Emerald Green Dragons from the Inner Earth, as we harness their energies of original creation in guiding our body in its remembrance of its divine self, including the ability to self-heal. This meditation awakens us to our infinite healing potential that resides within, and supports our healing of our physical body.

For the channelled sharing of my insights on how to care for my physical body, listen to my Youtube recording here.
This meditation was recorded live during my free monthly event on 22 July 2023. In this meditation, we connected into the Inner Earth energies, harnessing these energies to balance & align our main energy centers, and assisting us to feel calm, peaceful & grounded. We also connected into the Blue Rays of Light, nourishing our energy centers, organs, systems, cells and blood of our body. This meditation assists us to gently connect with our bodies, feeling more centered, calm, energised & grounded.

For the channelled sharing, listen to my YouTube recording here.
In this session, Mr A asked:
(1) On his inferiority complex that bothered him since childhood days & worsened as he lived & worked in a foreign country, what should he do about this? Should he seek professional help or something? 
(2) On his feeling that he can have limitless abundance with many possibilities, what is the first step he should do? Should he do business, trading, take a class, or something? What should he be doing for wealth creation? 
(3) He shared that the inheritance from his father has helped him to shift in life, by doing his Masters programme. Likewise, he wanted to build something for his children to inherit in future. What should he do? 
(4) In terms of health, while client has taken up the advice in the last session, is there anything else he needs to do right now? When he returns to his home country, should he go for ayurveda or homeopathy, if he has to choose one? 
(5) Is it fine for him to openly share all his past Akashic Records recordings with friends whom he meets and trusts, which he has been doing? 
(6) On his meditation practice, he shared that he cannot sit at one place for long and has an oscillating mind that has difficulty focusing. What should he do about this?

Read the transcript here.
This meditation was recorded live during my free monthly event on 24 June 2023.

In this meditation, we called upon the Lords of Karma to cut away & release all negative cords, attachments & imprints related to: 1) false matrix & fallen consciousness, including all negative programming that we have taken on from social media and all kinds of media known or unknown to us, 2) our connection with our family members, adoptive parents, spouses and children, 3) our connection with our workplace and colleagues, past & present, 4) any issue, person, situation or emotion that we would like to release now. We called back our personal power, energy, soul parts & spirits, as well as to release all memories, energies, emotions & thoughts related to all these that are not aligned to our highest good to keep. We called upon the Violet Flame to sweep through our energy fields 7 times, burning away all remnants of cords, and providing a deeper transmutation of dense & discordant energies & emotions. We also called upon the Black Angelic Fire Angels to sweep the cleansing & purifying Black Angelic Fire through our physical body, chakras, organs, systems, cells & blood of our body. Lastly, we called upon our team of Akashic Masters & Guides to send the gold light of the Akashic Records to our energy fields, patching all holes, tears & rips in our auric fields and filling us with gold light.

Special thanks to each participant for holding the sacred space. We look forward to organising the next event soon! 😊🙏🏻

Follow me on IG @asha_akashicrecords for timely updates of new events! 🧡
In this session, Mr A asked:
(1) Is there anything the Masters want to convey to him with respect to his health, or how he can take care of his routine and diet (being a vegetarian for 8 months)? 
(2) What should he be doing for his mother? He didn’t spend much time bonding with her for the last 25 years, and she’s suffering from stomach pain for almost 40 years. Is there any step that he needs to take, to take care of his mother, particularly to do his duties? What should be his next step? 
(3) Is there anything he can do for his mother’s health? She took some fasting method by prayers, so that he could be born as a male child, resulting in her suffering from this ulcer pain for 40 years for which nothing works. 
(4) Is there anything more he can do for his father? 
(5) How to handle his children as they grow up? Is there anything else he needs to change or stop? Mr A is concerned about the proper way to bring up his children, as it is new to him and he is exhausted, and he knows that whatever initiative he takes, will shape them & show them the path. 
(6) Is there anything else the Masters wanted to say? Is there anything that he missed out at this moment, which is important for him?

Read the transcript here.
This meditation was recorded live during my free monthly event on 27 May 2023. In this meditation, we connected to Lord Shiva, bringing in the Divine Fire energies to sweep through each participant’s energy bodies, releasing all fears, old programming, negative beliefs, falsehood & deception taken on from others, which are not aligned to their highest good to keep. We called upon Lords of Karma to cut away all unnecessary cords, hooks, attachments & imprints connected to other people or situations.
We also called upon Saint Germain & ultraviolet fire angels to run the Violet Flame 7 times through each participant’s energy bodies, to facilitate a deeper transmutation of dense & discordant energies. Lastly, we called upon 21 emanations of Tara, particularly White Tara, to connect deeply with the energies of Divine Peace into all cells & levels of our being, before merging at one with the Divine Goddess/Feminine energies around us.

Special thanks to each participant for holding the sacred space. We look forward to organising the next event soon! 🤗🙏🏻

Follow me on IG @asha_akashicrecords for timely updates of new events! 🌞
Welcome to Episode 74 on Demystifying the Akashic Records. In this episode, I share my story related to the Bhutan retreat that I came back from, including my newfound connections with certain divine beings. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in May 2023. Enjoy! 🧡

Follow me on Instagram @asha_akashicrecords for timely updates of my free monthly meditations in the Akashic Records.
This meditation was recorded live during my free monthly event on 15 Apr 2023. In this meditation, we anchored in the Fire energies into all cells & parts of our body and our energy fields, as supported by our team of Akashic Masters & Guides, the Archangels of the Central Sun, and the Fire Dragons. The Fire energies bring with it the transmutation of dense & discordant energies, and with its highly activating energies, the remembrance of our true, divine self & light. 🔥 Special thanks to each participant for holding the sacred space. We look forward to organising the next event soon! 🤗🙏🏻

Follow me on IG @asha_akashicrecords for timely updates of new events! 🌞
This meditation was recorded live during my free event on 25 Mar 2023. In this meditation, we entered into a tranquil forest, as supported by our team of Akashic Masters & Guides, to receive the inner alignment, peace & healing that we need. We also connected with the Angels of Peace & Serenity, to invite the deep peace into our entire being. Special thanks to each participant for holding the sacred space. We hope you enjoy it and look forward to organising the next one soon! 😊🙏🏻

Follow me on IG @asha_akashicrecords for timely updates of new events! 🌟
Welcome to Episode 71 on Slowing Down. In this episode, I shared my reflections on the month of Mar 2023, focusing on “slowing down”. I shared on some signs to know whether we may be affected by negative energies, entities & interferences. I also shared on the initial stage – subtle signs associated with what is commonly labelled as a “burnout”. Importantly, I dived deeply into some methods that I commonly use to slow down & reset myself.

This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Mar 2023. We hope you enjoy it and many blessings to you! 🧡
This meditation was recorded live during my free event on 25 Feb 2023. Special thanks to each participant for holding the sacred space. We hope you enjoy it and look forward to organising the next one soon! 😊🙏🏻

Follow me on IG @asha_akashicrecords for timely updates of new events!
Welcome to Episode 69 on Case Study 20 – Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session with Mike. This is Mike’s second Akashic Records session with me. In this session, Mike asked: (1) Will the business of co-living in real estate be suitable for him & his wife to venture into? (2) For this collaboration with a company and two persons, will they be credible to work with? (3) Is it advisable for them to sell the flat by themselves, or should they find someone to help them sell? Is this mentor helpful or reliable in guiding them to buy properties that won’t make them lose money? (4) When Mike returns to work next month, is there any advice on areas that he should focus on developing when back at work? (5) For the mistakes made in doing investment & trading in stock markets, is this part of his learning journey? Anything that he should take note moving ahead, as he continues to invest & trade? (6) For his experience shared, is this what the Akashic Masters meant by “a team of Akashic Masters and Pure Light Beings who would join him in his meditation”? (7) Not long ago, Mike felt a being’s presence that felt negative emotionally. He thought that he might have come across this being from outside. Is it true, or is it part of his team? (8) For the blockage experienced when practising Samadhi meditation, what is the problem he is facing? (9) Whether there is opportunity for him & his wife to have a child naturally? Or should they look at other means such as adoption? (10) Is it due to past karmic actions that they have done that have resulted in this? If they sincerely repent some of the past actions, will this help? (11) For Mike’s father, what is their relationship in the past life? Is there anything that Mike can do to benefit his father in this life, so that it can value-add to his father in his next life? What more can Mike do to help his father spiritually, so that his father can have a better future life?

Credits to music used: Under a Blue Sky by Sefy Tofan
Welcome to Episode 68 on Peace & Blessings for the New Year Meditation. We have recorded a free meditation for everyone, in preparation for the new year’s energies. In this meditation, we called upon your Masters of Light, Akashic Masters, Spirit Guides, Archangels, Angels and all Pure Light Beings who would like to support you to join you in meditation. We also called upon the Angels of Love, Light, Peace, Serenity & Blessings. We invited these higher energies to support us to release the past baggage & density, and to connect to the peace & stillness in our hearts. We also connected to the Christ consciousness (which represents the divinity within us, the Soul’s path towards enlightenment), drawing it down to fill all chakras of our body. Re-establishing the connection back to Mother Earth. Re-establishing the connection with the divinity within & around us. Feeling & merging as one with our Angelic friends, and our team of Masters & Guides. Sending healing to the moment of separation lifetime that might have severed our connection with our Divine friends. If you enjoy this meditation, you may explore my other meditations in the Akashic Records, available for sale in my website at asha-akashicrecords.com. If you feel guided to explore a personalized meditation, or an Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session, with me, feel free to reach out to me via my website. As always, your feedback is welcomed. With Love & Blessings, Asha & Akashic Masters.

Credits to music used: 7 Crown Chakra – Oneness by Sefy Tofan.
Welcome to Episode 67 on My Reflections on 2022. In this episode, I reflected on what I have realised in 2022, which are: (1) “I AM DONE”, and (2) “I AM FREE”. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Dec 2022. Enjoy! 🙂
Welcome to Episode 66 on Case Study 19 – Unlocking the Abundance that Your Soul Deserves with Geraldine* (not her real name). This is the final of three themed Akashic Records sessions that Geraldine had with me. In this session, Geraldine asked: (1) What’s the contract between Geraldine and her husband for this lifetime? (2) How to be more abundant in this lifetime? Specifically, Geraldine feels that she is always chasing for money; it is not enough. She spends money like water for other people, including her family who needs it, though it comes to her easily. (3) How to be more abundant in this lifetime? Specifically, Geraldine has been afflicted with a lot of health issues. First, she has early menopause, so she couldn’t conceive. Second, she has autoimmune issues, which cause allergies to flare up, joints to become very stiff, water retention etc. Until now, it is not fully recovered. Do Masters have any advice on all these? (4) Any final words for Geraldine?

Credits to music used: Under a Blue Sky by Sefy Tofan
Welcome to Episode 65 on Case Study 18 – Deep Healing of Past & Present Issues Afflicting the Soul with Geraldine* (not her real name). This is the second of three themed Akashic Records sessions that Geraldine had with me.We started with a quick scan of Geraldine’s energy bodies and followed up with her on her previous session. Geraldine also asked: (1) What is the karma that is not resolved from Geraldine’s past lives? (1A) First challenge – Why is it very hard for Geraldine to save money? (1B) Second challenge – Geraldine’s relationships with her grandmother and mother respectively (2) Any final advice from the Masters?

Credits to music used: Under a Blue Sky by Sefy Tofan
Welcome to Episode 64 on Case Study 17 – Deep Clarity in Soul’s Purpose(s) & Choices in Life with Geraldine* (not her real name). Geraldine asked: (1) What is her life purpose generally? (2) Why is she experiencing this physical pain now? (3) Is there anything she could do to overcome the sub-loss in the forex trading? (4) Any messages that the Masters want to say?

Credits to music used: Under a Blue Sky by Sefy Tofan
Welcome to Episode 63 on Case Study 16 – Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session with Adrianne* (not her real name). Adrianne asked: (1) For my mental health problems, I really want to fully heal them and be able to have a healthy mind no matter the situation. How can I best achieve that? Or make progress towards fully healing all these mental health problems that I have? (2) There’s someone I care for, that is in a really difficult situation. I want to help him or provide the best support I can. How can I support him better or improve things? (3) Are there ways of helping & supporting him that I haven’t thought of? (4) What are my strengths & character? How can I do better for my spiritual development?

Credits to music used: Under a Blue Sky by Sefy Tofan
Welcome to Episode 62 on Peace & Stillness Meditation. In this meditation, we called upon your team of Akashic Masters & Guides, and invited the energy of stillness to flow into your energy bodies. We connected to the light from the cosmos and mother earth, and allowed them to gather & expand from your heart space. We also connected with your Higher Self, and invited blessings to be sent to you. This meditation is useful to slow down after a long day or week at work, connect to your Higher Self, and to feel calm & peaceful within.

Credits to music used: Relaxing Music – Love, Light and Compassion by Sefy Tofan
Welcome to Episode 61 on Archangel Raphael Respiratory Healing Meditation. In this meditation, we called upon Archangel Raphael and Healing Angels of Light to send healing focusing primarily on the respiratory issues that we might be facing. We also called upon Archangel Michael and his army of Angels to cut away all unnecessary cords from our physical body and auric fields, the violet flame to burn away all remnants of the cords, and to fill our body with gold light.

This meditation is useful to speed up healing related to any respiratory issues, such as fever, sore throat, flu, and associated pain and inflammation in the body. It may also accelerate the healing process, which means that the symptoms may be intensified before it gradually improves. Do remember to drink clean, structured water, rest sufficiently, and to adopt a healthier diet as well. Please note that this is energy healing, and is not a substitute for medical advice.

Credits to music used: Healing Frequency [741Hz] by Sefy Tofan 
Welcome to Episode 60 on Connect to the Light Meditation. This is a guided meditation recorded in the Akashic Records. In this meditation, we called upon your team of Akashic Masters & Guides, connected to the rays of the Central Sun, and anchored it deeply into the heart of Mother Earth. We invited the rays of the Central Sun to balance our energy centers. We also connected to the stillness within us. This meditation allows us to quickly balance our energy centers, and to feel calm & peaceful within.

Credits to music used: The Light of The Universe – Ambient Soundscape by Dream-Protocol
Welcome to Episode 59 on Blue Buddha Healing Meditation. This is a guided meditation recorded in the Akashic Records. Blue Buddha, also known as Medicine Buddha in Tibetan Buddhism, unexpectedly appeared before me in a meditation one day, which formed the inspiration for this meditation. We also called upon your team of Akashic Masters and Guides, connected to the rays of the Central Sun and each part of our body. We then worked with Blue Buddha to send healing energies to the major organs, systems, bones and blood of our body.

Energetic healing takes time, and the physical body is often the last to heal. Be kind, loving & gentle to yourself as you receive the healing. Do remember to drink clean and if possible, structured water after the meditation. This meditation is useful for anyone who would like to receive energetic healing to their physical body.

Credits to music used: The Quiet Morning by David Fesliyan
Welcome to Episode 58 on Divine Love Meditation. This is a guided meditation recorded in the Akashic Records. In this meditation, we call upon your team of Akashic Masters and Guides, connect to the stillness  and the rays of the Central Sun. We also invited Lady Nada (an Ascended Master, holder of pink rays of unconditional love) and Angels of Love to join us in this meditation, filling our entire being with divine, unconditional love. This meditation is great for relaxation after a long, hard day at work, or to allow us to experience how divine love feels like.

Credits to music used: Tranquility by David Renda
Welcome to Episode 57 of Case Study 15 – Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session with Ms M* (not her real name).

Ms M asked: (1) Any past life connection between Ms M and Ms X? (2) Any tips to work on abandonment issues / inner child issues? (3) Any advice for Ms M and her family, as her father had a stroke, finances are quite tight and she is also juggling with her studies? (4) Is there any way she can try to forgive her father who had a stroke, because she feels that he needs to be blamed for not taking care of himself? (5) Why is dating so difficult for her? Does Masters have anything to share with her, other than healing the inner child wounds? (6) As we live in a heteronormative society, what do Masters have to say about finding the same gender partner or about relationships with the same gender, after healing the inner child issue? What kind of advice will the Masters give?

Our deepest thanks and appreciation to Ms M for sharing her story, and details of her Akashic Records session, with everybody. We hope you enjoy & benefit from it! 🧡

Credit to music used: Keys of Moon – A Promise, Spring Flowers, Life Blossom
Welcome to Episode 56 on Case Study 14 – Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session with Ms A. Ms A asked: (1) On Ms A’s relationship that ended, is there any insight that we can share? (2) Should Ms A reconsider her decision made, and get back together with him? (3) Is there a way that Ms A can close this chapter nicely for him? (4) How can Ms A navigate her relationship with her mother, who didn’t want her to return to the country because she was really scared of Covid? (5) Why has she been feeling quite tired for the past few months? Is there anything she can do to improve that, because it doesn’t feel right? (6) Any final messages at this stage? 

We thank Ms A for graciously allowing us to share her story with everyone. We hope you enjoy & benefit from it. 🧡
Welcome to Episode 55 on the Healing Chamber Meditation. This is a guided meditation recorded in the Akashic Records. In this meditation, we call upon your team of Akashic Masters and Guides, connect to the gold light from Central Sun and the crystalline white light from Mother Earth. We went through a guided visualisation to visit your temple of healing, within which your healing chamber resides. In the first part, we connect with the energies of rose quartz and Archangel Chamuel. In the second part, we connect with the energies of prehnite and Archangel Raphael. In the third part, we connect with the energies of clear quartz and call back your personal power, energy and soul parts. This meditation is useful if you want to experience and receive the energies of unconditional love and healing, release the denser energies that are out of alignment, feel more whole & complete, and connect with your team of Akashic Masters and Guides. Credits to music used: Sands of Time – Ambient 432hz, Truth Seeker – Ambient 432hz, Resurrection – Ambient 432hz (Dream-Protocol)
Welcome to Episode 54 on Deep Grounding, Releasing and Healing Meditation. This is a guided meditation recorded in the Akashic Records. In this meditation, we call upon your team of Akashic Masters and Guides, connect to the gold light from the Central Sun and use it to balance all 12 chakras, and to release what no longer serves. We also connect to the crystalline white light from the Mother Earth and use it to send healing to our physical body. Finally, we sweep our auric fields. You can use this meditation whenever you want to feel more emotionally balanced, grounded, calm, and to send healing to your physical body. Enjoy! <3
Credits to music used: Light Over Darkness 432hz (Dream-Protocol)
Welcome to Episode 53 on Case Study 13 – Deep Clarity in Soul’s Purpose(s) & Choices in Life with Ms I. This is a themed Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session, which I co-created with my Akashic Masters. 

Ms I asked: (1) What is her soul’s purpose? (2) Whether she needs to go for surgery for her goiter condition? (3) On her health, would it help to heal faster, if she can find a way to unload all these baggage? (4)  What else do the Masters want to share with her?

Our sincere thanks, gratitude and appreciation to Ms I for courageously coming forward with her story and generously sharing it for everyone, so that we can all learn and benefit from what her Akashic Masters shared. Enjoy! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 52 on Case Study 12 – Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session with Appasamy. This is the second session with Appasamy after three months.

Appasamy asked: (1) Can he stop further diagnosis and go ahead to receive regular treatment for normal symptoms? Or does he need to take further steps as a precaution? (2) Besides chakra meditation, is there anything else he needs to do to cope with the fear? (3) Do I bring down myself (e.g. don’t display my joyfulness from showing up, don’t share the things I am having, don’t dress up so well) to hide and blend in with the surroundings? Do I need to show myself low when I see/meet people who are more unfortunate than me? Should I worry about the thoughts from people around? (4) Is there anything else I need to know at this moment? 

Special thanks and gratitude to Appasamy for kindly sharing the full details of his Akashic Records session, as well as his name, for this case study. We hope you enjoy it! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 51 on Case Study 11 – Deep Clarity in Soul’s Purpose(s) & Choices in Life with Appasamy. This is a themed Akashic Light Reading & Healing session, which I’ve co-created with the Akashic Masters. 

Appasamy asked: (1) What is my purpose of being here, why I was born, and what should I be doing? How I should live to achieve my purpose and to live a sensible & satisfied life till my end?  (2) How can I unblock to get more abundance, to help society more, and to give more to my family members so as to fulfill their expectations?  (3) Is Country A my place to be? Will I feel satisfied and build relations here? Will I have to ground here? Where should my physical existence be and where should my future generations be, going ahead? (4) What should I be doing about my health, which I am undergoing treatment, and I have been suffering without proper sleep for months? (5) Do I need to do anything special spiritually at this moment, to have all the blessings from the Akashic Masters and every other energy sources? (6)  On him being a vegetarian suddenly, whether he has made the right decision? (7) Is there anything else they want to convey to me? 

Special thanks to Appasamy for sharing the full details of his session with everybody. We hope you find it useful! 😊
Welcome to Episode 50 on “Remembering myself from 5 years back”. In this episode, I reflected on how I was like 5 years back, after I chanced upon a photo of myself back then. If I could sum up, back then, I was a high achiever, perfectionist and people pleaser. I also reflected on how I have changed as a person these days. In particular, I shared on my deepened understanding of what “trauma” truly means. My Akashic Masters also contributed their thoughts at the end. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Nov 2021. Enjoy! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 49 on “From Obedience to Discernment”. In this episode, I reflected on how I’ve always been a very law abiding, conforming and obedient person, and how I’ve started to question & re-think my default operating mode of obedience. It started from my experience attending a senior management meeting. It continued to set me thinking with many governments’ tough stance against the unvaccinated people in many countries. My Akashic Masters also shared their thoughts at the end of the story. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Oct 2021. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful! 🌞
Welcome to Episode 48 on “Breaking free from the cycle of control & oppression”. In this episode, I reflected on my experiences being trapped in a web of control & oppression extended by others, who were trying to influence & dictate how I should think, feel and act. In particular, I sought to understand the lesson for me to internalise in this context. Through accessing my Akashic Records, I also remembered the lifetimes of control & oppression that I experienced, which I have yet to fully liberate myself from. I was given the opportunity to work through this issue in two recent incidents. My Akashic Masters also shared their thoughts at the end. This is an audio version of my blog post published in Oct 2021. Enjoy! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 47 on “Healing my relationship with my deceased grandfather”. In this episode, I reflected on my less than fond memories of my grandfather, from the day that I met him, to the day that he passed away. I recalled those questions that I often wondered to myself since young: Why do we value these connections linked by blood ties? Is it true that blood is thicker than water? So what if we are connected by blood (or genetically)? I also shared on my brand new connection with my grandfather, with him now being in an astro realm and me being in an early realm. This time round, we are bonded together by a common mission: to heal & end the karmic cycles existing in this ancestral lineage, as much as possible. My Akashic Masters also shared their thoughts at the end of the story. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Oct 2021. Enjoy! 😉
Welcome to Episode 46 on “A letter to my 4 year old inner child”. In this episode, I reflected on my experiences connecting with my inner children, particularly my 4 year old inner child, whom I have neglected all these years. I wrote this blog post in the form of a letter to my 4 year old inner child, to share my honest thoughts & feelings with her. Through it all, I hope that my experience will inspire any one who may be struggling with inner child wounds, to know that it is possible to heal & reconcile the past. I have done it, and so can you. My Akashic Masters also shared their thoughts at the end of the story. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Oct 2021. We hope you enjoy it! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 45 on Learning to embrace my Light fully. In this episode, I reflected on my experiences growing up, where I took on so much conditioning around me, which made me believe that I was unworthy to be anything more than a mere human being. From the day I was born, I never felt that I was anything other than “normal”. As my self-worth back then was hinged upon the external approval of others (including my parents), which I couldn’t receive, I ended up hating to be in the limelight. I then shared how my journey in the Akashic Records shifted my perspectives these days. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Sep 2021. We hope you enjoy it, and we send you much love & blessings. 🧡
Welcome to Episode 44 on Opening Up to a New Version of Truth. In this episode, we reflected on the unfoldment of the Covid-19 situation in recent months. We took the opportunity to answer some interesting questions raised, such as: What is the Truth? How do I know if my version of Truth is correct? How do I align myself with the highest version of Truth at every moment? This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Sep 2021. Enjoy! 😉
Welcome to Episode 43 on Overcoming my Fear of Rejection. In this episode, I reflected on my past experiences, which caused me to form this fear of rejection. I also reflected on my coping mechanism in dealing with this fear of rejection all these years. Recently, I was reminded of my fear of rejection, after I made a difficult & personal decision not to be vaccinated. I also shared the guidance that I received from my Akashic Masters on what then could I do to help myself at an individual level? This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Aug 2021. Enjoy! 🙂
Welcome to Episode 42 on Giving to, and Receiving from, Others. In this episode, I examined why, for many years, I was always giving, barely or not receiving. I  reflected on my family conditioning, which was instrumental in shaping my foundational beliefs in my interactions with others – how I should always give to, rather than receive from, others. I shared on my realisations to-date. My Akashic Masters also shared their thoughts towards the end. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Aug 2021. Enjoy! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 41 on Learning to be slow to judge. In this episode, I reflected deeply on my tendency to form judgements about others very quickly. I shared my story on my initial years of working with a difficult boss, which was instrumental in honing my ability to see the worst in others. Even after I had switched careers, that suspicion & mistrust towards others stayed with me. After I started observing my judgements as they arise in the work context, I was given an opportunity to revisit my perspectives. My Akashic Masters also shared their thoughts towards the end. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Jul 2021. We hope you enjoy it! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 40 on being my own greatest supporter. In this episode, I reflected on the harsh inner critic residing within me, how I cultivated it to be the way it is, through my years of growing up. Through two recent experiences, I realised that I don’t need to rely on my harsh inner critic any more. My Akashic Masters also share their thoughts at the end of the story. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Jul 2021. We hope you enjoy it! 😉
Welcome to Episode 39 on What I took on from my extended family. In this episode, I reflected on what I took on from my dad’s side of the family, whether knowingly or unknowingly. I shared with everyone on my dad’s story of growing up, my memories of gathering for Chinese New Year reunion dinner, and what I picked up from all these experiences. I also reflected on my takeaways from these experiences. My Akashic Masters also shared their thoughts towards the end. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Jul 2021. Enjoy! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 38 on My “Mirrors” In life. In this episode, I reflected on my “mirrors” in life, having realised that I frequently hold much misunderstanding towards them. One of my greatest “mirror” in life is my dad, whom I am staying with. My Akashic Masters also shared their thoughts on this topic towards the end. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Jun 2021. Enjoy! 😉
Welcome to Episode 37 on How Grace has unfolded in my life. In this episode, I shared on how Grace has unfolded in my work life, going back to my experiences as a legal trainee at a mid-sized local law firm, to an associate and later senior associate at a large law firm. At my lowest point in life, Grace unfolded in my life, thereby allowing me to forge a new career as a legal counsel at an agency. My Akashic Masters shared their thoughts at the end of my sharing. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Jun 2021. Enjoy! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 36 on How I have changed over the past 5 years. In this episode, I reflected on the mostly subtle changes within me, over the past 5 years, that often go unnoticed or unappreciated by me. It is timely for me at this moment to pause, reflect & recognise all these baby steps & efforts that I have made. The three changes are: (1) Past: Attracted to new & authentic branded products. Present: Drawn to comfort, quality & value-for-money. (2) Past: Information received via mainstream newspapers, social media & people’s opinions. Present: Information received via Akashic Masters, intuition & trusted teachers. (3) Past: Stressed & worried about the future. Present: Focus on what I can do each moment.  My Akashic Masters also shared their concluding thoughts with us at the end of the story. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Jun 2021. Enjoy! 😊
Welcome to Episode 35 on The Topic of Suicide. In this episode, I felt motivated to blog on this topic of suicide after my dad attended the funeral wake of a friend’s daughter. I explored with my Akashic Masters on what could have motivated people in similar circumstances to have chosen the path of committing suicide. I also asked my Akashic Masters on what lessons we could learn from this story. Finally, we looked into how else we could help ourselves or our loved ones in similar circumstances. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in May 2021. We hope you find it useful! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 34 on What I have Learned from the Extended Covid-19 Outbreak. In this episode, I reflected on the three key takeaways that I have learned from the extended Covid-19 outbreak. The purpose is to mindfully allow myself to take stock of the learnings to-date, instead of operating on autopilot. The three key takeaways are: (1) Cherishing every moment, every day of my life, to the best of my ability; (2) Maintaining a daily practice is essential for my sanity and overall well-being; and (3) Practising gratitude towards the silent heroes in my life. My Akashic Masters also shared with us their thoughts towards the end of my story. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in May 2021. Enjoy! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 33 on Receiving My Mum’s Love. In this episode, I reflected on the countless blessings that I have received from my mum through all these years of growing up. Specifically, my memories when I was around 3 years old, when I was in primary school & my parents had started a hardware shop, and when I was warded in hospital for my autoimmune condition in junior college. As I recounted my story, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in this beautiful feeling of gratitude, recalling all that I have received in life. My Akashic Masters also shared their wisdom with us towards the end of my story. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in May 2021. We hope you enjoy it! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 32 on Soul’s Purpose. In this episode, I reflected on my questions & doubts towards uncovering what my Soul’s Purpose may be. One day, I finally consulted my Akashic Masters, and they shared with me five questions to reflect for a few days. It was an eye-opening experience for me, as I realised my part to play in determining what my Soul’s Purpose(s) may be. I also asked my Akashic Masters on how do we know if what we desire in life is a fleeting impulse, or truly something aligned to us in the long-term? This is an audio recording of my blog post published in May 2021. We hope you enjoy it! 🙂
Welcome to Episode 31 on Receiving the Kindness of Others. In this episode,  I reflected on the immense kindness that I have received from others (including strangers) over the years. In particular, I would like to thank my form teacher in primary 5 and 6, the unknown volunteers who donated their blood platelets to me, my friends whom I met on a student exchange program to Hong Kong many years ago, and a human angel in the form of a durian seller who left a lasting memory in my mind. My Akashic Masters also shared their thoughts at the end of the story. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in May 2021. Enjoy! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 30 on Sharing my Gratitude Towards My Dad. In this episode, I reflected on the immense kindness that my dad has shown me over the years, including the fact that he saved my life through his decisive thinking, when I was first stricken with my autoimmune condition. My Akashic Masters also shared their message with everyone at the end of my story. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Apr 2021. We hope you enjoy it! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 29 on Honoring My Feelings as They Are. In this episode,  I reflected deeper into my primary school memories, where I survived with a very closed heart. I recalled an incident where I was being blamed for a mistake that I didn’t commit. As I plucked up the courage to request for a refund of an unutilised package with a music school, I had the opportunity to practise honoring my feelings & speaking up for myself, and heal this past incident. My Akashic Masters also shared with everyone on their thoughts. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Apr 2021. We hope you enjoy it, as much as we enjoyed recording it! 🧡
Welcome to Episode 28 on Taking on the Judgements of Others – “I am Very Stupid & Slow”. In this episode, I reflected on my experiences in my formative years, where I took on the judgements of others and believed that “I am very stupid & slow”.  In a dizi (Chinese flute) class with a previous teacher, I was reminded of  this childhood trauma hidden within me, waiting to be healed & released. I also shared with everyone on my Akashic Masters’ suggestions of how do we release all these judgements that we have taken on from others? This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Apr 2021. Enjoy! 🙂
Welcome to Episode 27 on Masters’ Sharing on Forgiveness – Heal & Release the Past. In this episode, I channelled from my Akashic Masters on what forgiveness means, our inner resistance to forgive and their corresponding views, as well as what should we do if we are ready to forgive? This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Apr 2021. We hope you find it useful! 🙂
Welcome to Episode 26 on My Vegetarian Journey – Seeking Joy from Within. In this episode, I reflected on the unexpected journey that led me to become a vegetarian, my realisation that I wasn’t joyful with my vegetarian diet, and how I rediscovered the joy in my largely organic, vegan diet these days. I also shared with everyone on my Akashic Masters’ thoughts on this topic. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Mar 2021. We hope you enjoy it! 🙂
Welcome to Episode 25 on Courage – Standing Up for Myself. In this episode, I reflected on my fear of standing up for myself, which started from my memories in primary school, then secondary school, and how it shaped my initial years of working life with my self-perceived status as a doormat. I explored with my Akashic Masters on my lesson to learn with my difficult boss, as well as their sharing for everyone. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Mar 2021. We hope you enjoy it! 🙂
Welcome to Episode 24 on Jealousy – Healing the Past. In this episode, I explored with my Akashic Masters on: What is Jealousy? When do I feel Jealous? Why do I feel Jealous? What can I do to release the Jealousy? I also shared with everyone on my experiences of Jealousy when growing up. This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Mar 2021. We hope you enjoy it! 🙂
Welcome to Episode 23 on Death. In this episode, I reflected on this topic of Death. This issue arose in the context of a grieving colleague who was the only child, and who just lost her only kin (her mother). As I witnessed my colleague’s experience, I sought to understand from my Akashic Masters on what are their thoughts on the cycle of life & death, and what is their advice to people who have to bear the traumatic experience of feeling & being all alone on earth? This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Mar 2021. We hope you enjoy it! 🙂
Welcome to Episode 22 on, Masters, what are your views on Abundance? In this episode, I channelled from my Akashic Masters on their views of the different forms of Abundance and how we may experience Abundance in our lives. We also explored the question on to what extent do we satisfy our expectations for Abundance? This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Feb 2021. We hope you enjoy it! 🙂
Welcome to Episode 21 on, Masters, what are your views on Soul’s Purpose? In this episode, I channelled from my Akashic Masters on their views of what Soul’s Purpose means. We explored the question on whether it is true that we only have one Soul’s Purpose, and that our Soul’s Purpose is cast in stone from the moment of birth? This is an audio recording of my blog post published in Feb 2021. We hope you enjoy it! 🙂
Welcome to Episode 20 on Stepping into Your Power. In this episode, my Akashic Masters would like to share with everyone on the opportunity that this Covid-19 situation has presented to us, and how we may harness this opportunity to serve our highest & greatest good. So, let’s begin!
Welcome to Episode 19 of Case Study 10 of an Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session with Ada* (not her real name). Ada* queried about: (1) what is the purpose of her life generally, and how does she get there; (2) what is the root cause behind her repeated pattern of attracting bad relationships that made her lose faith & trust in others, and how she can overcome; (3) why is the relationship with her mum so difficult; and (4) any final messages to share with her?
Welcome to Episode 18 of Case Study 9 of Deep Clarity in Soul’s Purpose(s) & Choices in Life with Adora* (not her real name). This is the second themed session with Adora*, who earlier had a session on Deep Healing of Past & Present Issues Afflicting the Soul. Adora* queried about: (1) why does she have to go through those toxic friendships in the past; (2) why were her “friends” so critical towards her & everything she does; (3) whether she is born with a purpose, and what is her soul’s purpose generally; and (4) what is wrong with her work colleagues who didn’t like her, despite her not doing anything to them?
Welcome to Episode 17 of Case Study 8 of a Themed Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session. It centers on “Deep Healing of Past & Present Issues Afflicting the Soul”. Adele* (not her real name) queried about: (1) Why is she always meeting men with a similar pattern of struggling financially; (2) any insights on when she will get to have her own home & space, which her soul longs for; (3) whether marriage (in 3D form) is a part of her soul destiny, as she had met her twin flame 5 years back, which has been a catalyst for her spiritual progress & uncovering her life mission; (4) any insights on when she can really live together with her partner; (5) any message for her birthday coming up and what it means for her, and any message about her father who recently passed away; (6) any message about her uncle who passed away, whom she feels is her Guide now, and any message about the deaths that she foresees to more males in her family; and (7) whether she has a connection or contract with England?
Welcome to Episode 16 of Case Study 7 of Deep Healing of Past & Present Issues Afflicting the Soul. We share the case study of Adora* (not her real name). Adora* queried about: (1) whether she is a jinx to love or maybe it is not the right time yet; (2) what are the blocks to her attracting a soul mate / life partner, as she can’t seem to meet one despite putting in her best efforts; (3) what are the suggestions to release the fear of abandonment identified during the session; (4) what should she do with her dating app; (5) will she meet the right guy; and (6) anything else to note?
Welcome to Episode 15 of Case Study 6 of an Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session with Alvina* (not her real name). Alvina* queried about: (1) what is her soul’s purpose, if any; (2) what kind of career suits her; (3) whether her soul can be developed further; and (4) any final messages to let her know?
Welcome to Episode 14 on Case Study 5 of an Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session. Adeline* (not her real name) queried about: (1) what is her soul’s purpose and how she can work towards it; (2) what are her gifts and how can she use them to serve or help others (herself included); (3) what were the karma & wounds that were brought from the past few lives, and how does she heal them; (4) what type of career should she be pursuing (she is currently working part-time) so that it will resonate with her or be aligned with her purpose; (5) how can she better connect to her guides; and (6) why is she always attracted to people who are emotionally unavailable?
Welcome to Episode 13 of Case Study 4 of an Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session. In this session, we will share the case study of Amelia* (not her real name). Amelia* queried about: (1) any advice for her on coping with her current job, which is overwhelming with many little details to take note; (2) her job prospects at her current job (she has been working there for more than 15 years); (3) what to look out for in her health; (4) why does she attract a majority of friends who “come & go” (come to her only when they need help, and go away thereafter); (5) what can she do so as not to attract such friends; (6) why is there nothing developing in her love life, and how she can release; and (7) any important messages to let her know?
Welcome to Episode 12 of Case Study 3 of an Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session. We will share a case study of April* (not her real name). April* queried about: (1) whether she should transition from a freelance to a full-time job; (2) what is her key lesson for her past relationships that didn’t work out; (3) how to release from her past relationships; (4) what are the key lessons for her relationship with her dad; (5) how she can help alleviate her mum’s suffering with respect to her dad; (6) how she can be in a good space with a better mental state; and (7) one thing she has done well and should continue doing?
Welcome to Episode 11 of Case Study 2 – Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session. We will share the case study of Alicia* (not her real name) to understand in-depth how an Akashic Records Session may unfold in reality. Alicia* queried about: (1) her greatest fears & how to release; (2) what is her soul’s purpose; (3) how she can work towards her soul’s purpose; (4) what are her gifts & talents; (5) how she can help her son; (6) how to improve her self-image & esteem; and (7) how she can be a better person towards others.
Welcome to Episode 10 of Case Study 1 – Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session. On an anonymous basis, we will share a case study of a past client who had a Session with me. The purpose is to give everyone an idea: (i) how a Session happens in reality, (ii) what questions were asked by other clients, (iii) what messages did they receive from their Akashic Masters, and (iv) what did we focus on for the healing component? In this case, Anita* queried about: (1) why she is so fearful of driving a car, riding a bicycle or going to the beach to climb & swim; (2) her difficulties managing each day as she often feels lethargic & what can be done; (3) her laziness in not getting things done & what can be done; (4) how she can better cope with her friendships; and (5) how she can improve herself to attract the right relationship?
Welcome to Episode 9 on Protecting Our Light Within. In this episode, we will explore on: (1) what exactly is the Light within us; (2) how does the Light within us get dimmed; and (3) how do we protect our Light within? So, let’s begin!
Welcome to Episode 8 on The Importance of Self-Love. In this episode, we will explore on: (1) what is self-love, (ii) why is self-love important, and (iii) how do we increase self-love in our life? Let’s begin!
Welcome to Episode 7 on What does Spirituality really mean? In this episode, we connect with my Akashic Masters to share their perspectives & insights on this query. So, let’s begin!
Welcome to Episode 6 on Dos and Don’ts for an Akashic Records Session. In this episode, we will share on the suggested Dos, which are: (1) Do clarify or ask questions when in doubt, (2) Do prepare the questions to ask during the session, and (3) Do be open to whatever comes up during the session. We will also share on the suggested Don’ts, which are: (1) Don’t compare your session with others, (2) Don’t judge yourself harshly, and (3) Don’t expect quick results or miracles to happen instantaneously.
Welcome to Episode 5 on What an Akashic Records session is and is not? In this episode, we will share on what an Akashic Records session is, which is: (1) focus on yourself, and (2) connect deeper to yourself. We will also answer a common query of why do we even need to engage an Akashic Records reader to connect deeper to ourselves. We will also share on what an Akashic Records session is not, which is: (1) meddling with other people’s lives, problems & issues, (2) fortune-telling, and (3) communicating with the deceased.
Welcome to Episode 4 on Common Queries for Akashic Records session. In this episode, we will share on: (1) what does a typical Akashic Records session entail; (2) how to prepare for an Akashic Records session; (3) what to expect from an Akashic Records session; and (4) what is the difference between an online versus face-to-face session?
Welcome to Episode 3 on Accessing our Akashic Records. In this episode, we will explore further on: (1) what are the different methods to access our Akashic Records; (2) why do we even need a method to access our Akashic Records; and (3) what blocks the practitioner from receiving Higher messages from the Akashic Records accurately?
Welcome to Episode 2 on Common Myths of Akashic Records Debunked. In this episode, we will focus on 3 common myths, namely: (1) Akashic Records is a “new age creation”; (2) Akashic Records is affiliated to a particular religion, cult or God; and (3) Akashic Records is only useful for past life readings, which are not applicable in this modern day & age.
Welcome to Episode 1 on Introduction to Akashic Records. In this episode, we will understand: (1) what is the Akashic Records; (2) who are our Akashic Masters; and (3) what are the common reasons to access our Akashic Records.

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