[Upcoming Event] Akashic Records Meditation: Ignite Your Powers as Creator of Your Reality (27 April 2024, Saturday, 10am GMT+8)

Dear friends,

In a week’s time, we will be commencing our meditation circles in 2024, starting with this meditation event.

It has been a long hiatus for me, as I focused on rebranding and rebirthing myself as an Akashic Records Reader, Blogger, Podcaster & YouTuber. You might have noticed my updated write-up about myself in my website, the updated designs in my Instagram posts and YouTube videos, as well as a deeper sharing of my reflections and stories in my Instagram posts. My aim is to create thought-provoking and insightful content centered around the channelled messages and higher truths in the Akashic Records.

In a world full of confusing and contradictory information, I strive to share the higher truths in the Akashic Records, as well as my realisations as a daily work in-progress on this path of spiritual awakening and ascension. Through the years of working with my clients and on myself, I realise that the higher truths can often be very simple yet profound. How we can utilise these higher truths to benefit and positively transform our lives, very much depends on us — our daily efforts, commitment, patience and perseverance to work on ourselves.

In recent years, the world has experienced massive changes, physically and energetically. This, in turn, has forced many of us to re-think our current priorities and mode of operating in life — be it our jobs, finances, relationships, lifestyle, and more. With more options presented to us and the innate desire to ride with these changes, which is contrasted with the need to stay in our comfort zone, many of us might have found ourselves caught in-between. In this uncomfortable situation where we feel stuck, where we feel that we are neither here nor there.

In this context, it is very useful to work with the higher and purer energies in the Akashic Records realm. It is a powerful and effective means to quickly re-center ourselves with greater mental clarity, peace and love within. This then allows us to make the best decisions for ourselves at every moment, instead of being bogged down by mental confusion, fears, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, veils, trauma, and more. As we keep working on ourselves, we will gradually embody these higher frequencies within us more permanently. That means, we are able to experience life from a place of higher wisdom, thereby seeing each difficult person or situation in context as a neutral observer. This process takes time and requires much practice, but it is very much achievable.

As someone who used to be very fearful of all changes in my life, working with the Akashic Records energies have positively transformed my life. It has motivated me to make life-changing decisions that have steered me in greater alignment to my Soul’s purpose and mission, which in turn brought me a deeper sense of fulfillment, peace and joy. If you asked me, 5 years back, would I have imagined that I would have implemented all these changes and be right where I am today? The answer is an absolute no. Yet, I have never felt so alive, peaceful, contented and joyful from within. Each day that I am alive, it feels like I am living a dream that I never dared to pursue. No regrets! 😊

Having experienced firsthand the powerful and transformative effects of the Akashic Records, it is my deepest wish and desire to facilitate these Akashic Records meditations, to allow more people to similarly benefit from these energies.

As I write now, the Akashic Masters remind, “Changes are necessary. Suffering is optional.”. As we harness the Akashic Records energies, we are able to energetically upgrade ourselves to prepare for, and ride with, these changes. In that process, we begin to experience life as creators of our reality, instead of a victim mindset. The more we embody these higher frequencies, the more empowered we are in dealing with life’s challenges. For example, asking ourselves questions like: “What can I do to help myself, or move forward, in this situation? What are my options available?”. This is opposed to a victim mindset, where we would often be drawn into an emotionally draining loop of questions like “Why me? Why is life so unfair to me?”.

The other day, I sat in silence to connect with the Team of Divine Beings who would like to assist the participants for this upcoming meditation event. It was then that Mother Mary and the Dragon Team (particularly, the Earth Dragons) made their presence known to me. Here’s my YouTube video of what I received from them, on how they would like to assist us.

Transcript of the YouTube video:

Hi Everyone, I’m Asha. I’m here to share more about the upcoming Akashic Records Meditation that I will be facilitating: Ignite Your Powers to Create Your Reality.

So, we’ll be working with Mother Mary and your Dragon Team (particularly, the Earth Dragons) for this event.

Mother Mary comes with a message of love, to guide us in our journey to open our hearts fully to love and be loved, while knowing and feeling safe and protected always at all times in our body. She invites us to surrender all unresolvable problems and burdens to her, to be held in Divine Light, Love, Peace and Grace.

The Earth Dragons come to us with a message to strengthen our connection to Mother Earth, from which we create an abundant and prosperous life on Earth. They’re here to remind us that life here is not meant to be suffering, and we too can experience a prosperous, abundant, fulfilling and enjoyable life here.

So, the Earth Dragons are here to work with us primarily on our base, naval and solar plexus chakras. They are here to assist us to release all fears, doubts, scarcity and poverty mindset that we may have taken on across lifetimes and in our family lines, which are inhibiting us from creating this abundant and powerful reality in our lives. They are also here to work with us to shift us from inaction to guided actions, which are in Divine Synchronicity and Alignment.

So, we welcome all of you to experience these powerful shifts in this upcoming meditation event. A link to this recording will be sent to all participants after the event. It is yours to keep and to relisten to any time you feel stuck in your reality, in inaction, in denser emotions, and use it as a powerful means to create more space in your life, and move through life with greater Ease, Clarity and Peace for the rest of this year.

We look forward to seeing you online for this event.

Many Blessings to You!

Since then, I have connected with Mother Mary and the Earth Dragons on several occasions in the lead-up to this meditation event.

To me, Mother Mary’s energies feel very graceful, loving, peaceful and relaxing, just like how a loving mother would shower her gentle presence to her beloved child. In her presence, I feel absolutely safe in a judgement-free zone. As her gentle loving light was sent to the deepest and darkest crevices of my heart space, I was able to release deeply etched trauma related to feelings of rejection and abandonment. And I know, from deep within, that she is, and will always be, there to love and support me (and us) any time we need.

Meanwhile, the Earth Dragons’ energies are very invigorating and grounding, as they swiftly removed dense and discordant energies, thoughts, beliefs and emotions lodged in various parts of the body and deepened my connection to Mother Earth. I felt like I was a strong and sturdy tree that blended as one with the Earth Dragons, ready to take on life’s challenges with courage and confidence.

We warmly welcome all of you to register for this upcoming meditation event, and to experience this firsthand for yourself. 🧡

Much Love & Blessings,

Asha and Team (Mother Mary and Earth Dragons)

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