I Am The Light Meditation



Welcome to the I Am The Light Meditation (37:53). In this meditation, we connected with your team of Akashic Masters & Guides, and invited them to send their higher frequencies of love & light into your energy bodies. As they activated the divine light within you, we allowed your divine light to expand and merge as one with the higher frequencies around you. Next, we connected with the rays of the Central Sun, and invited the energies to flow into, and merge as one, with your huge ball of light. We also connected with the heart of Mother Earth, allowing your energies to flow into, and merge as one, with Mother Earth. With the oneness within & around us, we shared the divine light into the space that you are in, your building, neighbourhood, country, and ultimately the entire Mother Earth. Blessing all inhabitants and beings of Mother Earth. Soaking in the expanded state of awareness, feeling & receiving more love, peace and joy within & around you.

This meditation connects us into the expanded state of awareness, or energies of oneness, within & around us. It reminds us that we are all interconnected as one, no matter the boundaries, divisions & dualities perceived by the human eyes & mind. This meditation is recorded on 8/8/22 Lion’s Gate.

Credits to music used: Crown Chakra – Oneness by Sefy Tofan

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I Am The Light Meditation