Case Study 24 – Part 1 of Akashic Light Reading Session with Carrie*

Overview of Session with Carrie* (not her real name)

StartAny information that the Masters have for Carrie?  
Q1I think I’m at career crossroads. I’ve just been through a recent crisis of meeting trashy employers who don’t pay, very bad culture. It wasn’t by choice. I just want to have clarity on my career path. Why is my career path so bumpy? And will I find a suitable role for me? Or will it come soon? Or what’s the future for my career?
Q2Through a friend, I applied to be a lecturer at an Institution. I really resonate with that because I can imagine myself doing it. I enjoy teaching and sharing my knowledge. So, I want to know if that’s possible? Is it my life purpose or career purpose that I can fulfil? Is that really something that I can look forward to?
Q3I really love, and want, to be in management, where I previously came from. My aim is to earn a lot of money, because I love animals a lot, all my money is used to save the animals. I feel that my life purpose is to really do something for the animals. My dream is to start an animal sanctuary, to put animals in a safe place. I’m just very curious, like what’s in my past life or whatever, that I just love them so much? If only I could earn a lot of money, so that I can fulfil my dream later part in my life. So, that’s why I’m very frustrated. I want to have a role that I can make a difference to the world. Being an executive or middle manager is not going to make a difference to the world, to the animals’ life, and to anything. I just really want to know what the Akashic Records have to say about this big dream of mine?

Any information that the Masters have for Carrie?

Welcome, my child. We are here to fully embrace you, for having the bravery and courage to coming & trying out this work for yourself, experiencing the energies even through the channelled messages. May you receive the healing and clarity you need.

Q1: I think I’m at career crossroads. I’ve just been through a recent crisis of meeting trashy employers who don’t pay, very bad culture. It wasn’t by choice. I just want to have clarity on my career path. Why is my career path so bumpy? And will I find a suitable role for me? Or will it come soon? Or what’s the future for my career?

The Masters acknowledge the hardships that you have undergone as a Soul, through all these trials and tribulations presented in the workplace, in the systems of work, in the colleagues, in the way things are being run. There was at least a lesson presented in this culture, for you to cultivate patience within yourself to accept what can’t be changed, as well as the bravery & courage at the same time to reflect on what is it that you have the power within to change?

There are certain systems or policies that cause some injustice, even feelings of betrayal. And they suggest that you may want to consider if it’s timely for you to even speak up against these forces. Speak up not just for your rights, but for your community’s rights. Because ultimately, there is that wisdom and leap of faith that is presented to you right now, through this obstacle & hardship, to strengthen and mould yourself, to upgrade to the next level.

Take what you can at this workplace. Do what you can to change the system. Accept what can’t be done, cast in stone. And at the same time, they suggest for you to make alternative plans for your career. That means to create job opportunities for yourself, open yourself up to job recruiters, keeping your profile active to draw in new opportunities.

So, they see it as a two-way thing. One is the current system, how you can manage? The other is the new opportunities, how you can be drawing it in?

Carrie shared that she has been actively looking for roles, sending CVs, but no favourable response. So, that’s where she feels very stuck and worried. To which, the Masters shared that the reason why you’re not drawing in the right opportunities is because you’re not fully in alignment and the intention set may not be aligned to your highest good to draw in. So, the emotions have to be very balanced, when we do job searching. That means, to find that time to slow down the external activities, come to a state of stillness. In your case, it means spend more time with yourself, away from gadgets, just cultivating this alone time to indulge in certain self-care activities to clear your mind and clear space in your energy fields, in order to feel into your intentions. And ask the Universe to co-create with you in a very emotionally balanced state, drawing the right job recruiter for me, guide me to have the right conversation with someone who will guide me on the path. With that, when that intention is set, take it as that’s done, continue with your life. Prepare your account or profile as if it is attracting that job that you want for yourself.

They are explaining that this is something energetic. Physically, you are doing your part. In the physical realm, you have been contacting a lot of recruiters but not getting the right thing that you want. It’s because your energy field is in misalignment. It is a bit messy, like not really sure who is the right one, we are just going out to as many as possible. But the reality is that quantity is not always the best. Sometimes, when we come into alignment, when we call out to the Universe for help, we are in an emotionally balanced state, just this one person that comes, this one call from an old friend, this meet up with someone, and then that bridge is formed. And that networking opportunity is created. The Masters are saying that sometimes, having these networking opportunities with even say, long-lost friends or past colleagues, can be your backdoor entry into a company or a desired position, which is much harder to gain entry if we were to try to barge in from the front door.

Q2: Through a friend, I applied to be a lecturer at an Institution. I really resonate with that because I can imagine myself doing it. I enjoy teaching and sharing my knowledge. So, I want to know if that’s possible? Is it my life purpose or career purpose that I can fulfil? Is that really something that I can look forward to?

They are saying that you have many choices in life. So, the key thing is what you want for yourself, rather than what they want for you. Because they are saying that, in every Soul, every human, you have a lot of timelines and choices at every moment how you want to navigate your ship. So, in this case, you kind of put yourself out because you’re tired of the existing situation. You’re trying to create more opportunities for yourself. But there’s a state of lack of clarity, because energetically, there is misalignment as you’re not always in an emotionally balanced state. So, it kind of becomes a confusing situation where there are many things going on, but not really sure – Which one is your path? Which one is your purpose? There is this fear of making mistakes if it’s the wrong turn or things may not unfold as well, or that fear of rejection.

In relation to the Institution post, they say it will take some time, it may not be ready right now. But nevertheless, it is not an option to entirely close off, because sometimes the timings may not match what we intend. Sometimes, we might be impatient. And impatience is totally valid. They understand when we are in a difficult predicament, we want to get out as soon as possible, and we want a job as soon as possible to just hop over.

But the Masters say that patience in this case will bear fruits for you. That means, in the difficult situation that you’re in, have the patience to see that wisdom that you’re supposed to derive in this situation, knowing that you’re not stuck there permanently. That you have every power, choice, wisdom and qualification to get yourself out. It is just a matter of time. With that kind of mindset that you’re not stuck there permanently, maybe it’s time for you to speak out against the system for certain costs, and at the same time, to sow your seeds for this new portion of your life. The Masters are saying it will take some time, it cannot be rushed.

So, they ask, what is it that you want in life? Considering for example, the opportunities that you put out to the recruiters to assist as well as through your friends, what is it that you want? And that actually is the most essential thing. Why? Because they say that once your intentions are very firm and clear, in an emotionally balanced state, not under undue pressure to leave the job, to get out as soon as possible, that will make sure that you are in the best energetic alignment to see for yourself – What is it that comes in, that is most aligned to you?

But right now, things are in a state of flux, it is quite messy. And you’re not really drawing in the opportunities as you desire, because within there is a lack of clarity. So, they are suggesting for you to write it down, in an emotionally balanced state after clearing the mind. Write it down for yourself. What are the characteristics or traits in the future job that you desire for yourself, as if you’re there? What kind of environment? What kind of pay range? How will you feel like? How will you interact with others? What is the work environment like? How are the people like? And how do you feel each day when you wake up to go to work? Or after a hard day at work? How would you feel as you drive yourself home? These are the things, not just the tangible, but also the intangible.

When we write all these down, there is power in words, in putting them down. Because then, we are putting what’s in our mind – all the daydreaming, ideas, hopes and aspirations, on paper, and then we are trying to materialise it. So, what we are dreaming is actually in the ethereal realms. There are many ideas on top floating around. But we are not really drawing down the right one, because our intention is not clear. So, it’s messy.

So, when we write it down, we set the intention, then just have that patience to wait. Have the patience to wait, doesn’t mean sit at the sidelines and do nothing at all. But it also doesn’t mean the extreme end of over worrying every day. What if I don’t get the job? What if I am stuck here for life? What if, what if, what if? But having that quiet assurance within that good things are coming your way. You’re not stuck here permanently. They say that’s for sure, because you’re more than qualified to find better opportunities. But sometimes, the market may not be cooperative. The market may not have that desired job opening at the right time. So, therefore, you have to wait. And while waiting, we sometimes need to have that patience to see – What’s the lesson that we have to learn in this organisation? I’m not here permanently, but what can I do before I leave? Is there something I can do to change? But heck it, I’m not here permanently, I don’t care what others are going to think of me for saying that, for doing this, for voicing out.

Q3: I really love, and want, to be in management, where I previously came from. My aim is to earn a lot of money, because I love animals a lot, all my money is used to save the animals. I feel that my life purpose is to really do something for the animals. My dream is to start an animal sanctuary, to put animals in a safe place. I’m just very curious, like what’s in my past life or whatever, that I just love them so much? If only I could earn a lot of money, so that I can fulfil my dream later part in my life. So, that’s why I’m very frustrated. I want to have a role that I can make a difference to the world. Being an executive or middle manager is not going to make a difference to the world, to the animals’ life, and to anything. I just really want to know what the Akashic Records have to say about this big dream of mine?

So, first they say, take things step by step. They acknowledge your efforts and your desire to want to serve the community in your unique ways. Plant kingdom, animal kingdom, human kingdom, elemental kingdom – we all come as one. And in this concept of oneness, at least that’s how the Masters see us, we are one with them, they are one with us. And we are all one – plants, animals, humans, and the like. But it’s such that, this whole society, how the whole thing has been in, is so flawed and neglected state that now humans have this control over animals. And they are essentially losing all their powers to us, being domesticated, losing their freedom, which freedom has always been the birthright for all beings to embody. But it is a very sad & unfortunate situation that this current Earth is being afflicted with.

So, they say, first to take things step by step. You have your plans, and that plan is all the way to age 55. So, take your energies back and see, at least for now, this year, what can you do for yourself? And now, the sensing is that, your focus this year is to anchor yourself into this new job, at least being in energetic alignment to draw in this new job. And to do that, back again, they ask you what is it you want for yourself? So, writing down very clearly will be very helpful. Because on one hand, there’s lecturer role. On the other hand, there’s social organisation and then there’s management role. How can all these fit in? Have no boundaries as to how your desired role may be. And also, being very open-minded, once you’re emotionally balanced, you’ve done the work to draw in the right opportunities, just allow things to fluidly come. And always add that whatever you’re setting is as aligned to your highest good. So, whatever you’re setting, if it doesn’t feel like your highest good, then your Masters will find ways to suggest to you maybe there might be some adjusting you need to do. So, that’s your plan this year, to try to anchor yourself, in terms of your expectations, criteria and requirements for that job. Write it down. And that is your way of manifestation with the Universe. And tell the Universe, that is my intention. I’m flexible, but this is what I would love. Please draw in to me, please guide me, and have the patience to wait.

The second thing is when you were sharing your love for animals, they kept sending me these energies down my back. To suggest to you, do you want to consider an animal communications course, which will upgrade your communication with the animals to the next level? So, something to just plant in your consciousness.

The third thing is on your love for animals. Interestingly, they showed me a past life when you were a Caucasian man with orange hair, orange beard and little bit of moustache, wearing a colourful blazer. In those times, it was considered unique. Because last time, it was black colour blazer, but yours was not. Yours was checkered and all kinds of Safari related colours, with a hat. And then, on your shoulder, there was a parrot. In that past life, you were standing on a farm. The farm was very wide, green plains. And you owned that entire thing. And it was where you had that freedom for all animals, all beings, to co-exist together. It is your concept of a community lifestyle where all beings are one. And you achieved that in that lifetime. It made you feel connected. Not just to animals, but to yourself. It is like a deep soul calling that you felt you reached. And at the same time, you felt at one with the Universe, that the Universe supported you and had your back covered. And you were abundant. There was no worry over lack of money, clothing or food, you had all this covered. That was a very beautiful lifetime. So, you had realised this dream in a past life, it made you feel freedom, connection and being at one with the Universe, knowing the Universe supports you and has your back covered. So therefore, you have this desire and Soul’s inclination to want to replicate in this lifetime.

But in this life, your Soul came with more obstacles, and it is not in a bad way. Because obstacles present themselves as lessons, and therefore, wisdom for us to accumulate. So, your Soul is ready for an upgrade, in terms of more lessons, more wisdom, and therefore, you kind of have to face all these hardships and injustices that you feel right now. Because on a certain level, they say that you are most empowered, and you have the choices, courage and bravery to step out and do something different. You are not stuck in the situation, as others may think or feel if they were in your predicament. So, you are in the sense, embodying those traits of independence and freedom within you. And they assure you that in this lifetime, take it step by step, this goal may not seem realistic for now. But it will eventually unfold for you with the right consistent mindset, as you continue to work towards your goals.

For now, things look confusing, lack of clarity; we take things step by step. This year, you focus on anchoring yourself into the desired job. At least in your mind, it is very clear, this is what you want. And accepting no less. This is roughly what I want, how I would feel. They say emotions are most important, not just you know, the pay must be $xx. Of course, write everything down, how it looks like, how it feels like. But most importantly – How I feel every day at work? How I feel when I wake up for work? How I feel after a hard day at work? And then, just feel into it. Is it what I want for myself?

So, for example, if being a lecturer is what you want, consider spending time when you are relaxing, think and feel how it feels like being a lecturer. Going through your whole work day, throughout the week and month, how it would feel like for you. And likewise, if you are considering say, an executive role at a non-governmental organisation, consider putting yourself in such shoes.

And then, just coming into that self-realisation, what is it you prefer? Because when you are very clear what you prefer, it is easier for the Universe to then guide you to the right one.

With Love & Blessings,

Asha & Akashic Masters

For an audio recording of the case study, you may tune in to Episode 86 of my free Podcast on “Demystifying the Akashic Records”. Spotify link below for more details. My Podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, TuneIn + Alexa, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Listen Notes, Player FM, and Podcast Index. 😊🙏🏻

📢 If you would like to seek greater clarity on career-related decisions, I have recently launched a 2024 Akashic Records Session for Working Professionals: Unlock Your Path to Career Fulfillment & Success! There is an ongoing promotion till 29 Feb 2024. Check out the link below for more details. 🧡

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